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  • 2019 summer new baotou half slippers female flat bottom slippers women wear outdoor slippers no heel lazy shoes
  • 2019 summer new baotou half slippers female flat bottom slippers women wear outdoor slippers no heel lazy shoes
  • 2019 summer new baotou half slippers female flat bottom slippers women wear outdoor slippers no heel lazy shoes
  • 2019 summer new baotou half slippers female flat bottom slippers women wear outdoor slippers no heel lazy shoes
  • 2019 summer new baotou half slippers female flat bottom slippers women wear outdoor slippers no heel lazy shoes
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2019 summer new baotou half slippers female flat bottom slippers women wear outdoor slippers no heel lazy shoes

Information du vendeur

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[created] => 2019-05-10 04:29:31 [modified] => [source] => taobao [title] => 2019 summer new baotou half slippers female flat bottom slippers women wear outdoor slippers no heel lazy shoes [nick] => 镜中花花水中月月 [rateimg] => /img/icon_tmall.gif [skus] => Array ( [3621725269838] => Array ( [sku_id] => 3621725269838 [price] => 21.119 [properties] => 20549:418624880;1627207:1011831796 [quantity] => 71 [org_price] => 109.887 ) [3621725269839] => Array ( [sku_id] => 3621725269839 [price] => 21.119 [properties] => 20549:229418985;1627207:1011831796 [quantity] => 80 [org_price] => 109.887 ) [3621725269836] => Array ( [sku_id] => 3621725269836 [price] => 21.119 [properties] => 20549:72380707;1627207:1011831796 [quantity] => 129 [org_price] => 109.887 ) [3621725269837] => Array ( [sku_id] => 3621725269837 [price] => 21.119 [properties] => 20549:103189693;1627207:1011831796 [quantity] => 126 [org_price] => 109.887 ) [3621725269834] => Array ( [sku_id] => 3621725269834 [price] => 21.119 [properties] 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Classification [1011831795] => Black (versa) (new reinforced rhinestones) [1011831796] => Silver (Main) (new reinforced rhinestones) ) [begin_amount] => 1 [desc_url] => http://mdetail.tmall.com/templates/pages/desc?id=567813954047 [props_name_val] => size|35|36|37|38|39|40|Pay attention to the shop to send gifts|Feet fat feet wide shot big one yard|Color Classification|Black (versa) (new reinforced rhinestones)|Silver (Main) (new reinforced rhinestones) [property_alias_val] => [desc] => [sku_label] => Array ( [20549] => Array ( [0] => 418624880 [1] => 229418985 [2] => 72380707 [3] => 103189693 [4] => 296172561 [5] => 59280855 [6] => 1752773244 [7] => 497302577 ) [1627207] => Array ( [0] => 1011831796 [6] => 1011831795 ) ) )
USD 21.119
1 Piece
Frais de transport intérieur en chine
$0 vers BuyToMe (2-5days)
Color Classification
Quantité en inventaire 1193
poids Estimation
552 (g)

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2019 summer new baotou half slippers female flat bottom slippers women wear outdoor slippers no heel lazy shoes 2019 summer new baotou half slippers female flat bottom slippers women wear outdoor slippers no heel lazy shoes 2019 summer new baotou half slippers female flat bottom slippers women wear outdoor slippers no heel lazy shoes 2019 summer new baotou half slippers female flat bottom slippers women wear outdoor slippers no heel lazy shoes 2019 summer new baotou half slippers female flat bottom slippers women wear outdoor slippers no heel lazy shoes
Clothing Size Helping: 胸围=BUST     腰围=WAIST     臀围=Hip       Measurement unit: CM