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16V 2200UF electrolytic capacitor 10*20mm genuine high quality [10 3 yuan postage] 135 yuan/K
  • 16V 2200UF electrolytic capacitor 10*20mm genuine high quality [10 3 yuan postage] 135 yuan/K
  • 16V 2200UF electrolytic capacitor 10*20mm genuine high quality [10 3 yuan postage] 135 yuan/K
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16V 2200UF electrolytic capacitor 10*20mm genuine high quality [10 3 yuan postage] 135 yuan/K

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Array ( [goods_id] => 8166156 [shop_id] => 1572384 [cate_id] => 3684 [source_id] => 1 [num_iid] => 10190267326 [cid] => 50006526 [lang_change] => y [detail_url] => //item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=10190267326 [pic_url] => //gd1.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/399918555/O1CN01ggXBw32D4EwU8st2q_!!399918555.jpg [item_imgs] => Array ( [0] => //gd1.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/399918555/O1CN01ggXBw32D4EwU8st2q_!!399918555.jpg [1] => //gd4.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/399918555/TB28mnLrxSYBuNjSsphXXbGvVXa_!!399918555.jpg ) [item_weight] => [item_size] => [num] => 600 [price] => 0.495 [post_fee] => 0 [express_fee] => 0.00 [ems_fee] => 0.00 [has_discount] => y [freight_payer] => buyer [created] => 2024-01-04 08:05:43 [modified] => [source] => taobao [title] => 16V 2200UF electrolytic capacitor 10*20mm genuine high quality [10 3 yuan postage] 135 yuan/K [nick] => 允易达电子 [rateimg] => /img/icon_taobao.gif [sid] => 61254483 [uid] => 399918555 [skus] => Array ( [4215062242496] => Array ( [sku_id] => 4215062242496 [price] => 0.495 [properties] => 1627207:248615572 [quantity] => 200 [org_price] => 0.495 ) [4367499901858] => Array ( [sku_id] => 4367499901858 [price] => 2.64 [properties] => 1627207:2322438687 [quantity] => 200 [org_price] => 2.64 ) [4367499901859] => Array ( [sku_id] => 4367499901859 [price] => 11.22 [properties] => 1627207:4665876187 [quantity] => 200 [org_price] => 11.22 ) ) [prop_imgs] => Array ( ) [props] => Array ( ) [promo_name] => [promo_price] => 0.495 [promo_sku_price] => Array ( [4215062242496] => 3 [4367499901858] => 16 [4367499901859] => 68 ) [promo_end_time] => 2100-01-01 01:01:01 [props_name] => Array ( [1627207] => color classification [248615572] => 10 3 yuan postage [2322438687] => 100 16 yuan postage [4665876187] => A pack of 500 68 yuan postage ) [begin_amount] => 1 [desc_url] => [props_name_val] => color classification|10 3 yuan postage|100 16 yuan postage|A pack of 500 68 yuan postage [property_alias_val] => [desc] =>



6.3V 10V 16V 25V 35V 50V 63V 100V 160V 250V 400V 450V
6.3V 1000UF 16V 22UF 25V 4.7UF 35V 22UF 50V 0.1UF 63V 22UF   400V 1UF  
6.3V 1500UF 16V 33UF 25V 10UF 35V 33UF 50V 0.47UF 63V 47UF 250V 10UF 400V 2.2UF 450V 2.2UF
6.3V 2200UF 16V 47UF 25V 22UF 35V 47UF 50V 1UF 63V 100UF 250V 22UF 400V 3.3UF 450V 3.3UF
  16V 100UF 25V 33UF 35V 100UF 50V 2.2UF 63V 220UF 250V 100UF 400V 4.7UF 450V 4.7UF
10V 100UF 16V 220UF 25V 47UF 35V 220UF 50V 3.3UF 63V 470UF 250V 220UF 400V 6.8UF 450V 10UF
10V 220UF 16V 330UF 25V 100UF 35V 330UF 50V 4.7UF 63V 1000UF 250V 1000UF 400V 10UF 450V 22UF
10V 330UF 16V 470UF 25V 220UF 35V 470UF 50V 6.8UF 63V 2200UF   400V 22UF 450V 33UF
10V 470UF 16V 680UF 25V 330UF 35V 680UF 50V 10UF 63V 3300UF   400V 33UF 450V 47UF
10V 680UF 16V 1000UF 25V 470UF 35V 1000UF 50V 22UF     400V 47UF 450V 82UF
10V 1000UF 16V 1500UF 25V 680UF 35V 2200UF 50V 33UF 100V 0.47UF   400V 68UF 450V 100UF
10V 1500UF 16V 2200UF 25V 1000UF 35V 3300UF 50V 47UF 100V 1UF   400V 82UF 450V 220UF
10V 2200UF 16V 3300UF 25V 2200UF 35V 4700UF 50V 100UF 100V 10UF   400V 100UF 450V 470UF
10V 3300UF 16V 4700UF 25V 3300UF   50V 220UF 100V 33UF   400V 150UF  
10V 4700UF   25V 4700UF   50V 330UF 100V 100UF      
    25V 10000UF   50V 470UF 100V 220UF      
        50V 680UF 100V 470UF      
        50V 1000UF        
        50V 2200UF        
        50V 3300UF        
        50V 4700UF        


0603贴片电阻包(33种*20只) 0805贴片电阻包(33种*20只) 1206贴片电阻包(33种*20只)
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0603贴片电阻包(80种*50只) 0805贴片电阻包(80种*25只) 0603贴片电阻包(145种*50只)
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1W电阻包1K-820K(30种*10只) 2W电阻包1K-820K(30种*5只) 3W电阻包1K-820K(30种*5只)
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0603电容包(16种*20只) 0603电容包(36种*20只) 0603电容包(50种*50只)
0805电容包(16种*20只) 0805电容包(36种*20只) 0805电容包(50种*50只)
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每单一品种请 最低总价2元 起拍 或按10个数量 起拍!谢谢合作

快递首选韵达, 包邮的只发韵达, 发别的快递不能包邮,若选择发别的快递需补运费差价,,顺丰一律到付(省内13元,省外23元,东北三省,新疆,西藏25元)


买满200元以上可以开普通发-票, 加税6% (不满200元的可累计到下次一起开)。


为了长期友好合作,请勿随意中差评!请多理解! !





[sku_label] => Array ( [1627207] => Array ( [0] => 248615572 [1] => 2322438687 [2] => 4665876187 ) ) )
USD 0.495
1 Piece
China Domestic Shipping Fee
$0 to BuyToMe (2-5days)
color classification
Inventory Quantity 600
Weight Estimation
324 (g)

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16V 2200UF electrolytic capacitor 10*20mm genuine high quality [10 3 yuan postage] 135 yuan/K 16V 2200UF electrolytic capacitor 10*20mm genuine high quality [10 3 yuan postage] 135 yuan/K