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AirTAC solenoid valve coil AC220V 4.5VA AC187V-253V DC24V 3.0W21.6-26.4
  • AirTAC solenoid valve coil AC220V 4.5VA AC187V-253V DC24V 3.0W21.6-26.4
  • AirTAC solenoid valve coil AC220V 4.5VA AC187V-253V DC24V 3.0W21.6-26.4
  • AirTAC solenoid valve coil AC220V 4.5VA AC187V-253V DC24V 3.0W21.6-26.4
  • AirTAC solenoid valve coil AC220V 4.5VA AC187V-253V DC24V 3.0W21.6-26.4
  • AirTAC solenoid valve coil AC220V 4.5VA AC187V-253V DC24V 3.0W21.6-26.4
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AirTAC solenoid valve coil AC220V 4.5VA AC187V-253V DC24V 3.0W21.6-26.4

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联系人: 杨先生
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[sku_label] => Array ( [1627207] => Array ( [0] => 7894500487 [1] => 7894500488 [2] => 39477869 [3] => 287296571 [4] => 1180093960 ) ) )
USD 2.475
1 Piece
China Domestic Shipping Fee
$0 to BuyToMe (2-5days)
Color Classification
Inventory Quantity 2580

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AirTAC solenoid valve coil AC220V 4.5VA AC187V-253V DC24V 3.0W21.6-26.4 AirTAC solenoid valve coil AC220V 4.5VA AC187V-253V DC24V 3.0W21.6-26.4 AirTAC solenoid valve coil AC220V 4.5VA AC187V-253V DC24V 3.0W21.6-26.4 AirTAC solenoid valve coil AC220V 4.5VA AC187V-253V DC24V 3.0W21.6-26.4 AirTAC solenoid valve coil AC220V 4.5VA AC187V-253V DC24V 3.0W21.6-26.4