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Solid wood Buddha cabinet, Buddhist niche, hanging cabinet, old elm sacred table, Guanyin cabinet, Guan Gong shrine water paint, paint-free and tasteless
  • Solid wood Buddha cabinet, Buddhist niche, hanging cabinet, old elm sacred table, Guanyin cabinet, Guan Gong shrine water paint, paint-free and tasteless
  • Solid wood Buddha cabinet, Buddhist niche, hanging cabinet, old elm sacred table, Guanyin cabinet, Guan Gong shrine water paint, paint-free and tasteless
  • Solid wood Buddha cabinet, Buddhist niche, hanging cabinet, old elm sacred table, Guanyin cabinet, Guan Gong shrine water paint, paint-free and tasteless
  • Solid wood Buddha cabinet, Buddhist niche, hanging cabinet, old elm sacred table, Guanyin cabinet, Guan Gong shrine water paint, paint-free and tasteless
  • Solid wood Buddha cabinet, Buddhist niche, hanging cabinet, old elm sacred table, Guanyin cabinet, Guan Gong shrine water paint, paint-free and tasteless
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Solid wood Buddha cabinet, Buddhist niche, hanging cabinet, old elm sacred table, Guanyin cabinet, Guan Gong shrine water paint, paint-free and tasteless

Seller Info

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80*60*200 color remarks|Dragon 90*60*200 color remarks|Dragon 100*60*200 color remarks|Dragon 120*60*200 color remarks|Land public funds 60*45*180 color remarks|Land public funds 70*50*190 color remarks|Land public funds 80*60*200 color remarks|Land Public Funds 90*60*200 Color Remarks|Three floors 50*45*200 dragon or lotus color remarks|Three-story 60*48*210 dragon or lotus color remarks|Three-piece 120*60*200 Lotus Color Remarks|Double supply 120*60*200 lotus color remarks|Lotus 108*60*200 color remarks|Buddhist niche 24 inch 55*40*80 [property_alias_val] => [desc] =>

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USD 49.334
1 Piece
China Domestic Shipping Fee
$0 to BuyToMe (2-5days)
Color classification
Inventory Quantity 1960

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Solid wood Buddha cabinet, Buddhist niche, hanging cabinet, old elm sacred table, Guanyin cabinet, Guan Gong shrine water paint, paint-free and tasteless Solid wood Buddha cabinet, Buddhist niche, hanging cabinet, old elm sacred table, Guanyin cabinet, Guan Gong shrine water paint, paint-free and tasteless Solid wood Buddha cabinet, Buddhist niche, hanging cabinet, old elm sacred table, Guanyin cabinet, Guan Gong shrine water paint, paint-free and tasteless Solid wood Buddha cabinet, Buddhist niche, hanging cabinet, old elm sacred table, Guanyin cabinet, Guan Gong shrine water paint, paint-free and tasteless Solid wood Buddha cabinet, Buddhist niche, hanging cabinet, old elm sacred table, Guanyin cabinet, Guan Gong shrine water paint, paint-free and tasteless