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Intel AX210/AX200/7260AC Desktop Gigabit PCI-E/WIFI6E Network Card Bluetooth Version 006
  • Intel AX210/AX200/7260AC Desktop Gigabit PCI-E/WIFI6E Network Card Bluetooth Version 006
  • Intel AX210/AX200/7260AC Desktop Gigabit PCI-E/WIFI6E Network Card Bluetooth Version 006
  • Intel AX210/AX200/7260AC Desktop Gigabit PCI-E/WIFI6E Network Card Bluetooth Version 006
  • Intel AX210/AX200/7260AC Desktop Gigabit PCI-E/WIFI6E Network Card Bluetooth Version 006
  • Intel AX210/AX200/7260AC Desktop Gigabit PCI-E/WIFI6E Network Card Bluetooth Version 006
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Intel AX210/AX200/7260AC Desktop Gigabit PCI-E/WIFI6E Network Card Bluetooth Version 006

Seller Info

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10DB(XPro) [27202809393] => AX210--005 with suction cup antenna (XPro) [27202809394] => AX210--005 with OEM(XPro) [27202809395] => AX210--005 with WiFi6E antenna (XPro) ) [begin_amount] => 1 [desc_url] => [props_name_val] => color classification|7260AC with 8DB|7260AC with 10DB|7260AC with suction cup antenna|7260AC with OEM|7260AC with detachable antenna|7260AC with 8DB XPRO|7260AC with 10DB XPRO|7260AC with suction cup antenna XPRO|7260AC with OEM XPRO|AX210--006 with 8DB|AX210--006 with 10DB|AX210--006 with suction cup antenna|AX210--006 with OEM|AX210--006 with WiFi6E antenna|AX200 with 8DB(XPro)|AX200 with 10DB(XPro)|AX200 with suction cup antenna (XPro)|AX200 with OEM(XPro)|AX200 with WiFi6E antenna (XPro)|AX210--005 with 8DB(XPro)|AX210--005 with 10DB(XPro)|AX210--005 with suction cup antenna (XPro)|AX210--005 with OEM(XPro)|AX210--005 with WiFi6E antenna (XPro) [property_alias_val] => [desc] =>

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USD 4.455
1 Piece
China Domestic Shipping Fee
$0 to BuyToMe (2-5days)
color classification
Inventory Quantity 3102

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Intel AX210/AX200/7260AC Desktop Gigabit PCI-E/WIFI6E Network Card Bluetooth Version 006 Intel AX210/AX200/7260AC Desktop Gigabit PCI-E/WIFI6E Network Card Bluetooth Version 006 Intel AX210/AX200/7260AC Desktop Gigabit PCI-E/WIFI6E Network Card Bluetooth Version 006 Intel AX210/AX200/7260AC Desktop Gigabit PCI-E/WIFI6E Network Card Bluetooth Version 006 Intel AX210/AX200/7260AC Desktop Gigabit PCI-E/WIFI6E Network Card Bluetooth Version 006