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MP5 2.0LDT Egg Hall Model Steel Small Pieces New Model Not Launched Hong Kong Police Flying Tigers Performance
  • MP5 2.0LDT Egg Hall Model Steel Small Pieces New Model Not Launched Hong Kong Police Flying Tigers Performance
  • MP5 2.0LDT Egg Hall Model Steel Small Pieces New Model Not Launched Hong Kong Police Flying Tigers Performance
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MP5 2.0LDT Egg Hall Model Steel Small Pieces New Model Not Launched Hong Kong Police Flying Tigers Performance

Seller Info

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[27444918314] => MI metal wood guard can be front and rear outlet [27444918315] => High power flashlight guard wood optional front and rear power supply [27444918316] => KAC guard wood optional front and rear power supply [27444918317] => Telescopic rear support front outlet [27444918318] => Folded rear support front outlet [27444918319] => AR transfer plus rear support optional CTR navy army MOE rear outlet [27420283995] => Pressure clamp * 1 [27444918320] => 2.0 kit without wood guard rear support [27444918321] => For details, consult customer service and ask for details. [1705003658] => Upgraded Brushless Motor [17468334856] => MP5 CNC Mirror Bridge [5919063] => Package Type [3284564] => Advanced performance build under standard configuration ) [begin_amount] => 1 [desc_url] => [props_name_val] => color classification|MP5-2.0 Body (Gold Top) LDX Green|MP5-2.5 Subject (Gold) LDX7075 Expert Performance Wave|Classic wood protection optional front and rear power supply|SD6 guard wood optional front and rear power supply|MI metal wood guard can be front and rear outlet|High power flashlight guard wood optional front and rear power supply|KAC guard wood optional front and rear power supply|Telescopic rear support front outlet|Folded rear support front outlet|AR transfer plus rear support optional CTR navy army MOE rear outlet|Pressure clamp * 1|2.0 kit without wood guard rear support|For details, consult customer service and ask for details.|Upgraded Brushless Motor|MP5 CNC Mirror Bridge|Package Type|Advanced performance build under standard configuration [property_alias_val] => [desc] =>
[sku_label] => Array ( [1627207] => Array ( [0] => 27444918310 [1] => 28190424555 [2] => 27444918312 [3] => 27444918313 [4] => 27444918314 [5] => 27444918315 [6] => 27444918316 [7] => 27444918317 [8] => 27444918318 [9] => 27444918319 [10] => 27420283995 [11] => 27444918320 [12] => 27444918321 [13] => 1705003658 [14] => 17468334856 ) [5919063] => Array ( [0] => 3284564 ) ) )
USD 12.87
1 Piece
China Domestic Shipping Fee
$0 to BuyToMe (2-5days)
color classification
Package Type
Inventory Quantity 3000
Weight Estimation
324 (g)

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MP5 2.0LDT Egg Hall Model Steel Small Pieces New Model Not Launched Hong Kong Police Flying Tigers Performance MP5 2.0LDT Egg Hall Model Steel Small Pieces New Model Not Launched Hong Kong Police Flying Tigers Performance